2024年7月5日(金)、東京大学本郷キャンパスにて、UTokyo Nursing International Conference 2024が開催されました。8カ国/地域(インドネシア、オーストラリア、タイ、中国、台湾、フィリピン、米国、日本)から総勢162人(学生を含む)が集まりました。Dr. Hazel Keedle (School of Nursing and Midwifery, Western Sydney University, Australia)によるkeynote speechを始め、5つの口演セッション、3つのポスターセッション、大会長レクチャーなどを通じて、多様な研究成果と今後の展望を共有し、研究者間の繋がりを深めていきました。ご参加くださった皆様、ご協力くださった皆様並びに関係者の皆様、本国際学会にお力添えをいただきありがとうございました。
Diversity, Inclusion, Uniqueness, and Universality: Toward Global Collaborative Nursing Research
Dr. Megumi Haruna & Dr. Yuki Miyamoto
Best Oral Presentation Awards
Name: Shu-Yu Kuo
Affiliation: Taipei Medical University, College of Nursing, School of Nursing
Title: Parental sleep quality in the first year postpartum: influences of infant age and psychological well-being
Name: Jinyan Wu
Affiliation: Department of Gerontological Home Care and Long-term Care Nursing, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
Title: Effects of a Dementia Educational Program Using Virtual Reality on Healthcare Staff Working in a Medical Center for Dementia: A Pre–post Comparative Study
Best Poster Award
Name: Chihiro Takizawa
Affiliation: Department of Gerontological Nursing/Wound Care Management, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
Title: Hydrogen peroxidase-induced senescent wound healing model using a scratch assay model
Name: Shing-Chia Chen
Affiliation: School of Nursing, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University
Title: Laughter Intervention and Health Education on adult neurotic patients: A clinical controlled comparison study