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Dietary Intake and Its Association with Birth Outcomes in Women with Nausea and Vomiting during the Second Trimester of Pregnancy: A Prospective Cohort Study in Japan


Factors Associated with Anemia and Iron Deficiency during Pregnancy: A Prospective Observational Study in Japan

博士課程の篠原真純さんの論文がHealth & Social Care in the Communityに掲載されました

Association between Advance Care Planning for Older Adults and Family Caregivers’ Sense of Security in Home Care Settings: A Prospective Cohort Study

松本博成助教の論文がAustralasian Journal on Ageingに掲載されました

Implicit attitudes towards dementia after education: Preliminary trial results from Japan

飯田真子特任助教の論文がBMC Psychologyに掲載されました

The association between team job crafting and work engagement among nurses: a prospective cohort study

矢坂泰介特任研究員が筆頭著者の原著論文がIntensive and Critical Care Nursingから出版されました

Impact of the health policy for interdisciplinary collaborative rehabilitation practices in intensive care units: A difference-in-differences analysis in Japan

吉岡京子准教授のプロジェクトの論文がNursing Reportsに掲載されました

Developing an Educational Program for Ultrasound Hip Screening during Newborn and Infant Home Visits: A Protocol Paper

木田亮平助教の論文がIndustrial Healthに掲載されました

Uneven distribution of stressful working conditions among Japanese nurses: a secondary analysis of nurses with and without children

阿部麻里助教の論文がAsian Nursing Researchに掲載されました

Predictive factors for infusion site induration after outpatient chemotherapy in Japan: a secondary analysis