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修士課程を修了された河瀬希代美氏の論文がGeriatrics & Gerontology Internationalに掲載されました

Assessing the reliability and feasibility of quality indicators used to evaluate long-term care for older adults

UTokyo Nursingとインドネシアのエアランガ大学との共同研究がJMIR research protocolsに掲載されました

Education program for enhancing health care students’ attitudes toward people living with dementia: protocol for a single-arm pre-post study.

仲上豪二朗教授の論文がGeriatrics & Gerontology Internationalに掲載されました

Dementia severity and advanced pressure injury procedures and prognosis: A nationwide study in Japan

松本博成助教の論文がHealth & Social Care in the Communityに掲載されました

Applying the Relational Job Design Theory to the Retail Industry: The Association between Perceived Social Impact and Job Satisfaction, Turnover Intention, and Persistence

博士課程の金森由晃さんの論文がJournal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecologyに掲載されました

Association between adverse childhood experience and unintended pregnancy among Japanese women: a large-scale cross-sectional study

マルシャニ ・パティラスナ 特任研究員の論文 が Methods and Protocols に掲載されました

The Sri Lanka Mother and Newborn Growth (S-MaNGro) Cohort: Protocol of a Nationwide Prospective Study


Development of Four‐Item Attitudes toward People Living with Dementia Scale for population surveys

高橋聡明講師の論文がExpert Review of Medical Devicesに掲載されました

Complications after peripherally inserted central catheter versus central venous catheter in intensive care unit: Propensity score analysis using a nationwide database

幅大二郎特任研究員の論文がChronic Wound Care Management and Researchに掲載されました

Effectiveness of Vibration Therapy for Hard-to-Heal Wounds in Clinical Study: A Scoping Review

幅大二郎特任研究員の論文がWound Repair and Regenerationに掲載されました

Efficacy of wearable vibration dressings on full-thickness wound healing in a hyperglycemic rat model