
Senior Lecturer Sachiko Kita published her paper in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Development of a Japanese version of the Family Poly-victimization Screen

Senior Lecturer Sachiko Kita published her paper in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Development of the Training program on Child Abuse Prevention for Citizens (TCAP-C) and its effects and acceptability: Community-based participatory research

Senior Lecturer Sachiko Kita published her paper in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

“Knitting together the lines broken apart”: Recovery process to integration among Japanese survivors of intimate partner violence

Assistant Professor Hiroshige Matsumoto published his paper in The Gerontologist

A randomized control trial for ReDeSign: A dementia-friendly mobile microlearning training for store workers in Japan

Assistant Professor Sameh Eltaybani published his paper in Nurse Education Today

Palliative and end-of-life care education in prelicensure nursing curricula: A nationwide survey in an Arab country

Assistant Professor Naoko Ichikawa published her paper in Journal of Nursing Management

Key Strategies for Managing Nursing Care under the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Multiple Case Study of Nursing Directors

Assistant Professor Sameh Eltaybani published his paper in Nursing Forum

Family-oriented interventions in long-term care residential facilities for older people: A scoping review of the characteristics and outcomes

Assistant Professor Sameh Eltaybani published his paper in JBI Evidence Synthesis

Effectiveness of home visit nursing for improving patient-related clinical outcomes in older people: an umbrella review protocol

Assistant Professor Ryohei Kida published his paper in Asian Nursing Research

Working conditions and fatigue in Japanese shift work nurses: A cross-sectional survey

Associate Professor Aya Kitamura published her paper in Wound Practice and Research

An application for real-time, remote consultations for wound care at home with wound, ostomy, and continence nurses: a case study