On 20th June 2024 (Thursday), we will hold a GNRC seminar hosting Dr. Shereen Hussein, Professor of health and social care policy at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK.
It is a hybrid seminar, and in advance registration is required.
Speaker: Dr. Shereen Hussein, BSc, MSc, PhD
Professor of Health & Social Care Policy, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, UK
Title: ASCK-WELL: A Holistic Approach to Enhancing Work Quality in Long-Term Care Professionals
Date and time: June 20th, 2024 (Thursday) 14:00-15:00 (Japan Standard Time)
Place: Hybrid meeting
Onsite: University of Tokyo, Hongo Campus, Medical building 5, 2F, Room204
Online: ZOOM link will be sent upon registration
Registration: https://u-tokyo-ac-jp.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYkdOmvqD0qEtKhU4t6QPbQTIdQu3MEM1HE#/registration