Chikako Honda
Community Health Nursing
Dr. Chikako Honda is an Assistant Professor of the Department of Community Nursing at UTokyo. She is engaged in education and research guidance in undergraduate nursing education and the graduate course for national certification as a public health nurse. She has a Ph.D. in Health Sciences, and has five years of clinical experience as a public health nurse.
Her research interests are infant and young child injury prevention and public health nursing. She conducts research in collaboration with local public health centers and residents. Her publications aim to explore effective systems and nursing care to improve the health of residents. In collaboration with public health centers, Dr. Honda recently developed an educational program for pregnant women to prevent injuries to infants and examined the program’s short- and long-term effects. She constructed a support system for public health centers during the difficult situations arising from the rapid spread of COVID-19. This system also helps to their response efforts. She aims to build a sustainable health care system for residents that will prevent health crises such as injuries and infectious diseases and mitigate health damage when a health crisis occurs.